Who We Are? Why We do?

CDR Writers, established in 2010, stands as a premier CDR writing service known for its excellence. Specializing in online CDR writing services, we support students, especially those in Engineering seeking migration to Australia, on their academic journeys. With a team comprising handpicked CDR experts, researchers, and writers, our goal is to aid every student in navigating their complexities, providing meticulously crafted CDRs ahead of schedule. Committed to value, authenticity, and integrity, CDR Writers has effectively assisted over 55,000 students in the past year alone.

Why CDR Writers Are in a League of Their Own

  • Technical Proficiency

    CDR writers have a deep understanding of engineering principles, standards, and practices across various disciplines. They possess technical expertise that enables them to accurately assess and showcase the competency of engineers seeking migration or professional recognition.

  • Knowledge of Engineering Standards

    CDR writers are well-versed in the guidelines and criteria set by engineering assessment authorities such as Engineers Australia. They understand the intricacies of competency standards and ensure that CDRs adhere to these requirements.

  • Understanding of Immigration Processes

    CDR writers have a thorough understanding of immigration processes and requirements, especially in countries like Australia where CDRs are essential for skilled migration visas. They guide engineers through the complex immigration system, ensuring compliance with visa regulations.

  • Effective Communication Skills

    CDR writers excel in written communication, translating complex technical information into clear and concise narratives. They craft compelling CDRs that effectively demonstrate an engineer's skills, experiences, and achievements to assessment authorities.

  • Tailored Approach

    CDR writers adopt a tailored approach to each client, taking into account their unique background, qualifications, and career goals. They work closely with engineers to gather relevant information and personalize CDRs to highlight their strengths.

  • Compliance with Ethical Standards

    CDR writers adhere to strict ethical standards, maintaining confidentiality and integrity throughout the writing process. They prioritize honesty and transparency, providing genuine representation of an engineer's competency and achievements.

Understanding the Essence of CDR Writing

CDR writing involves preparing a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for engineers aspiring to migrate to Australia. It comprises CPD, three career episodes, and one summary statement. Engineers can either write their CDR or opt for professional CDR writing services for convenience.

CPD Report Writers

A CPD (Continuing Professional Development) report is a document that outlines an individual's ongoing learning and development activities within their professional field. It typically includes details such as training courses attended, conferences or workshops participated in, self-directed study, professional memberships, and other activities aimed at enhancing skills and knowledge. CPD reports are often required for professional accreditation or certification purposes and demonstrate a commitment to maintaining competence and staying current in one's profession.

Career Episodes Report Writing

In a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for Engineers Australia, three career episodes are narrative descriptions of significant engineering projects or tasks undertaken by the applicant. Each career episode focuses on a specific period or aspect of the engineer's career and demonstrates their competency in the chosen engineering discipline. The episodes typically include details such as project objectives, the engineer's role and responsibilities, technical tasks performed, engineering methods and techniques applied, and the engineer's personal contribution to the project's success. Each career episode is structured according to the Engineers Australia guidelines and serves as evidence of the engineer's engineering competency and experience.

Summary Statement Writer

The Summary Statement is a crucial component of a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) submitted to Engineers Australia. It provides a cross-referenced summary of how the applicant's engineering skills and knowledge, as demonstrated in the career episodes, align with the competencies outlined in the ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) code for their nominated occupation. The Summary Statement maps the competency elements addressed in each career episode to specific indicators and elements of the relevant ANZSCO code, demonstrating the applicant's proficiency and suitability for the nominated engineering occupation. It serves as a concise summary of the applicant's competency and ensures that all required competencies are adequately addressed and evidenced in the CDR.

CDR Writers Guarantees

  • Licensed Professional
  • 100% Genuine Reports
  • Report Structure & Format
  • On-time Delivery
  • Positive Outcome 99%

Our team comprises experienced writers from various engineering fields who are well-versed in the requirements of CDR preparation. With highly qualified and experienced engineers in our team, we ensure the perfection of every CDR we handle.

Expert CDR writers ensure the creation of a plagiarism-free report. With accurate and easily verifiable data, our experts draft perfect CDRs, ensuring uniqueness in every report.

Following guidelines meticulously is our paramount priority to ensure maximum positive outcomes. We understand that adhering to the prescribed criteria set forth by the relevant authorities is crucial for achieving success in your endeavors. Our team pays meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every aspect of your project aligns perfectly with the specified guidelines. By prioritizing adherence to these guidelines, we aim to optimize the chances of achieving favorable results and meeting your objectives effectively.

We are deeply committed to meeting deadlines with utmost sincerity and prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. Our team understands the importance of timely delivery and strives to ensure that all projects are completed within the agreed-upon timeframes. We recognize that our clients rely on us to deliver results promptly, and we make every effort to honor our commitments. By adhering to strict deadlines, we aim to instill confidence in our clients and uphold our reputation for reliability and professionalism. Customer satisfaction is at the forefront of everything we do, and we go above and beyond to ensure that our clients' needs are met to their fullest satisfaction.

Our experienced CDR writers boast a nearly 99% success rate, delivering top-quality reports that adhere to Engineers Australia guidelines. We guarantee original content, timely delivery, and adherence to all EA standards, ensuring your path to Australian engineering accreditation is smooth and successful.

How Our Experts Help Online?

We provide a wide range of CDR services, encompassing RPL report writing, KA02 report assistance, NER work experience documentation, P.Eng and IPENG support, Stage 1 Competency Assessment, and 2 Stage Competency Assessment. Additionally, we offer comprehensive reviewing and tutoring services. All of these services are available at competitive and highly affordable rates, ensuring accessibility for all our clients.

CPD Report

Our expert writers assist clients in preparing high-quality CDR reports that showcase their skills, qualifications, and engineering experience in a manner that aligns with EA's assessment criteria.

ACS RPL Report

We provide assistance with writing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) reports for individuals seeking recognition of their prior experience and qualifications in engineering.

KA02 Report

Our team helps clients with writing Knowledge Assessment (KA02) reports for Immigration New Zealand, showcasing their engineering knowledge and skills for migration purposes.

NER Australia

We assist engineers in preparing reports detailing their work experience for submission to the National Engineering Register (NER).


Our services extend to preparing reports for individuals seeking registration as Professional Engineers (P.Eng) or International Professional Engineers (IPENG).

Stage 1 & 2

We offer support for engineers undergoing Stage 1 and Stage 2 competency assessments by providing comprehensive report writing services.

How Does CDR Writers Works?

At CDR Writers, we prioritize authenticity and quality in our work. Our dedicated team of professional writers invests significant effort in preparing each CDR report. Additionally, we offer CDR reviewing and tutoring services to ensure the quality of our clients' work. Our process involves several key steps to achieve optimal results:

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Initial Consultation

To begin, familiarize yourself with our comprehensive CDR services and associated pricing. Once you've selected the desired service, proceed with the payment. Then, provide your CV and necessary documents in accordance with Engineers Australia guidelines for the CDR Report.

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Customised Quote

After agreeing on the project details, a partial payment is required to kickstart the CDR report writing process. We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Credit/Debit card, or Online banking. You can settle the remaining amount based on the agreed pricing terms.

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Send you Draft Copy

After the CDR report is completed, we deliver a draft copy for your review and feedback. Your input is invaluable for ensuring the report meets your expectations and requirements. You can suggest any necessary changes or modifications to ensure the highest quality output.

Hear from Our Happy Customers

People Also Ask

Can I pay someone to write my CDR?

Paying someone to write your CDR is risky due to ethical concerns, potential plagiarism, and long-term consequences. It's best to invest time in preparing it yourself or seek assistance from reputable resources to ensure authenticity and compliance with EA's guidelines.

Why do you hire a Professionlas CDR writer?

A professionals CDR writer can help ensure that your CDR meets the specific requirements and criteria set by the assessing authority, such as Engineers Australia. They have expertise in crafting narratives, career episodes, and summary statements that effectively demonstrate your competencies and increase the chances of a successful skills assessment.

Is it legal to use a CDR writer?

Yes, it is legal to use a CDR writer to assist you with preparing your CDR. However, it's important to ensure that the information provided in your CDR is accurate and truthful, as misrepresentation can have legal and immigration consequences.

What qualifications do CDR writers typically have?

CDR writers typically have backgrounds in engineering or related fields, with experience in preparing CDRs for engineers seeking migration. Many writers hold engineering degrees themselves and have undergone training specific to the CDR process.

Will my CDR writer guarantee confidentiality and privacy?

Reputable CDR writers prioritize confidentiality and privacy and will ensure that your personal information and documents are kept secure. They typically have strict privacy policies in place to protect your data and maintain confidentiality throughout the process.

Can I use a CDR writer if I've already had a CDR rejected?

Yes, you can still use a CDR writer if you've had a CDR rejected in the past. A qualified writer can help you identify areas for improvement, address feedback from the assessing authority, and increase your chances of success in subsequent attempts.

Do CDR writers guarantee approval of my skills assessment?

While reputable CDR writers can significantly increase your chances of a successful skills assessment, they cannot guarantee approval. Success ultimately depends on the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided in your CDR, as well as your qualifications and experience.